Irina Lucia MIHALCA: The Star Picker / Culegătoarea de stele

Listen to songs from the deep

Translated from romanian by Simona Mihalca


Luţziafiru di dzuâ şhi’di noapti,
un primitu eshţzâ cu pirpirunji aroşhii,
şhi njirli, şhi limunii, şhi pirâ, tuti di anvârliga! *


Mind’s sleep has no purpose,

A flight over watery mirror of stars

A sea with waves

which break on the shores of our souls,

A fire overcame water

A stunning moment of love!

Where a star falls everyone

Comes out to feed

All the birds are singing in their language,

even if not all have musical ear.

They were not awakened yet; those who have

To feel the beauty of this time!


The moment particles impact,

colliding with each other,

the moment that will change their destiny

forever. One moment, only!


Letters make love to each other,

United in a silk thread.

To taste the water you must seek

Drought drops. It can be

With excitement, only for you to burn and live!


You, sun dancer, oscillate

like a compass needle between North and South,

between East and West! The key is in you

You just now realized

What the sacrifice

Started for the mirror in your soul means.


Seek the answer in the crystal ball,

We are reflected in the mirror inward!

It looked like a river that in no way

Could be swam across.

You were waiting for me on the bank with fire,

to dry my clothes. That’s you!


I have conquest your sight, many poppies there,

I miss freedom of expression so much.

As I have seen! I like what I found:

a good host with hot tea on the table

willing to stare into the eyes of her guest.


– Come, sit next to me, baby,

Listen to songs from the depths,

murmured with closed eyes!

My violin, violin vibrating with me

Otherwise, just a play without master!

Violin through which you have sung ballad pain,

A magical illusion is life!


If it had not been touched, it wouldn’t sing

as the lightning that touches the sea

would not make a pearl for a while.

It’s happiness touched with your fingertips,

an unmistakable smell and taste


Without seeking outside,

tomorrow will still come.

You penetrate deep into the smile’s light,

understanding yourself, increasing your own being,

That’s you, truly; otherwise,

everything changes!

Not every violin sings as

the soul feels, it happened to you


People differ

through the spoken words, just facts make us heroes.

If I draw the median I see excellence,

the sublime of feeling giving birth to life or gods.

Tu yilii nâ mutrimu t’as nâ videmu fârâ di câsuri…**


How far youare from yourself, when you forget

the seed light planted

which waits

to sprout, to brow, to bloom!



Morningstar and Eveningstar,

you are a story of red poppies

and blue, and yellow and the flame around*


In the mirror we look to see ourselves with no mistakes**

                     (Translated for Aromanian)



Ca un vis neîntrerupt vreodată,
ca un gând ce pulsează la capătul străzii,
ca un adevăr purtat mereu în inimi,
ca o furtună peste necuprinse întinderi,
ca o salbă de stele ce ne înconjoară,
ca o centură de timpuri prin spaţii,
ca o revoltă de semne pe bolta cerească,
ca o înverşunare de eroi în ultimele lor fapte de arme,
ca un soare ce ne înconjoară printre nori,
ca ziua ajunsă dinaintea eternităţii,
Noi suntem.

Suntem rug, flacără, scântei,
zâmbet, lacrimă, vis,
gânduri, cuvinte în delir, fapte,
raze de soare sau lună, zefir, furtună,
castel de umbre, corolă de lumini,
curcubeu reflectat prin oglinzi paralele,
tunel ascuns în labirintul iubirii,
suflet în căutarea sufletului-pereche care, Continue reading „Irina Lucia MIHALCA: The Star Picker / Culegătoarea de stele”

Irina Lucia MIHALCA: Poesis

La sortie de labyrinthe

                               Traduction par: Gabriela Tudose


Des instants brûlent à la fondation des temples,

en ébranlant leurs dalles, on sent

la plainte des chaînes.


Plus loin du soleil,

l’île vierge émergée

de la mer

(on y pénètres avec des frissons).


J’ai embrassé le vent, en pensant que c’étaient tes yeux!

Comme un messager invisible,

le vent voyageur m’a donné le baiser.


Parfum léger, mystère parmi les étoiles,

Seules tes lèvres dans mes rêves!

Le mystère enveloppe

tes rêves,

un monde où peu de gens peuvent accéder.


Des pièges de pensées,

on les déploie vers demain,

on  avance

dans la flamme éteinte de la torche,

parmi des voix,

sa respiration brûle ton oxygène.


Deux moments les séparent –

tellement proche et tellement loin…


Bloqué parmi les ruines,

ses pas l’ont piétiné.


Elle doit asseoir de nouveau

le mosaïque des pièces,

en chuchotant un appel.


Des ailes lourdes

continuent leur vol

vers le zénith.


– lumière cueillie dans le cercle de l’amour –


Ieşirea din labirint


Ard clipe la temelia templelor,

urnind lespedea simţi

vaierul lanţurilor.


Mai departe de soare,

insula virgină

apărută din mare

( cu fiori pătrunzi în ea ).


Am sărutat vântul, crezând că-s ochii tăi!
Un mesager nevăzut,

vântul călător mi-a dăruit sărutul.

Parfum suav, mister printre stele,

doar buzele tale în vise!
Misterul învăluie

visele tale,

Continue reading „Irina Lucia MIHALCA: Poesis”