Listen to songs from the deep
Translated from romanian by Simona Mihalca
Luţziafiru di dzuâ şhi’di noapti,
un primitu eshţzâ cu pirpirunji aroşhii,
şhi njirli, şhi limunii, şhi pirâ, tuti di anvârliga! *
Mind’s sleep has no purpose,
A flight over watery mirror of stars
A sea with waves
which break on the shores of our souls,
A fire overcame water
A stunning moment of love!
Where a star falls everyone
Comes out to feed
All the birds are singing in their language,
even if not all have musical ear.
They were not awakened yet; those who have
To feel the beauty of this time!
The moment particles impact,
colliding with each other,
the moment that will change their destiny
forever. One moment, only!
Letters make love to each other,
United in a silk thread.
To taste the water you must seek
Drought drops. It can be
With excitement, only for you to burn and live!
You, sun dancer, oscillate
like a compass needle between North and South,
between East and West! The key is in you
You just now realized
What the sacrifice
Started for the mirror in your soul means.
Seek the answer in the crystal ball,
We are reflected in the mirror inward!
It looked like a river that in no way
Could be swam across.
You were waiting for me on the bank with fire,
to dry my clothes. That’s you!
I have conquest your sight, many poppies there,
I miss freedom of expression so much.
As I have seen! I like what I found:
a good host with hot tea on the table
willing to stare into the eyes of her guest.
– Come, sit next to me, baby,
Listen to songs from the depths,
murmured with closed eyes!
My violin, violin vibrating with me
Otherwise, just a play without master!
Violin through which you have sung ballad pain,
A magical illusion is life!
If it had not been touched, it wouldn’t sing
as the lightning that touches the sea
would not make a pearl for a while.
It’s happiness touched with your fingertips,
an unmistakable smell and taste
Without seeking outside,
tomorrow will still come.
You penetrate deep into the smile’s light,
understanding yourself, increasing your own being,
That’s you, truly; otherwise,
everything changes!
Not every violin sings as
the soul feels, it happened to you
People differ
through the spoken words, just facts make us heroes.
If I draw the median I see excellence,
the sublime of feeling giving birth to life or gods.
Tu yilii nâ mutrimu t’as nâ videmu fârâ di câsuri…**
How far youare from yourself, when you forget
the seed light planted
which waits
to sprout, to brow, to bloom!
Morningstar and Eveningstar,
you are a story of red poppies
and blue, and yellow and the flame around*
In the mirror we look to see ourselves with no mistakes**
(Translated for Aromanian)
Ca un vis neîntrerupt vreodată,
ca un gând ce pulsează la capătul străzii,
ca un adevăr purtat mereu în inimi,
ca o furtună peste necuprinse întinderi,
ca o salbă de stele ce ne înconjoară,
ca o centură de timpuri prin spaţii,
ca o revoltă de semne pe bolta cerească,
ca o înverşunare de eroi în ultimele lor fapte de arme,
ca un soare ce ne înconjoară printre nori,
ca ziua ajunsă dinaintea eternităţii,
Noi suntem.
Suntem rug, flacără, scântei,
zâmbet, lacrimă, vis,
gânduri, cuvinte în delir, fapte,
raze de soare sau lună, zefir, furtună,
castel de umbre, corolă de lumini,
curcubeu reflectat prin oglinzi paralele,
tunel ascuns în labirintul iubirii,
suflet în căutarea sufletului-pereche care,
negăsindu-l pe pământ,
îl caută în Cer,
cutreierând ierarhia îngerilor.
Suntem piesele aceluiaşi puzzle,
suntem TU, EU,
manifestarea ABSOLUTULUI prin NOI.
We are
As an uninterrupted dream ever,
as a thought pulsing at the end of the street,
as a truth always worn in the hearts,
like a storm over unbounded plaines,
like a nacklace of stars that surround us,
as a belt of times through spaces,
as a revolt of signs on the celestial vault,
as a fierceness of heroes in their last deeds war ,
like a sun that surrounds us among the clouds,
as the day that arrived before eternity,
We are.
We are the rug, the flame, the sparks,
smile, tear, dream,
thoughts, words in delirium, deeds,
beams of sun or moon, zephyr, storm,
castle of shadows, corolla of lights,
rainbow reflected through parallel mirrors,
hidden tunnel in the labyrinth of love,
soul looking for soul-mate,
never found on the Earth,
seeks him in Heaven,
walking the angel hierarchy.
We are the pieces of the same puzzle,
we are YOU, ME,
the manifestation of ABSOLUTE through US.
Le rêve
Traduction par: Gabriela Tudose
Un sourire toujours jeune,
Un secret bien caché
Une navire attendant son chargement,
Soit-il un désir non-accompli
Soit-il l’âme qui attend devenir
la flamme insatiable du coeur.
La réalité dont je me suis echappe
a une coupure tout au long de la nuit bleuâtre
A travers la réalité dont j’ai échappé,
Même si tu ne peux jamais unir les lignes de la paume de notre amour,
Même si tu ne peux pas attraper l’ombre de nos pas
Cependant tu es libre
de chercher, de venir, de revenir,
de chercher, de venir, de revenir…
Un zâmbet mereu tânăr,
O taină a inimii,
Un vas ce-şi aşteaptă umplerea,
O dorinţă neîmplinită,
Un suflet ce-aşteaptă
Să fie flăcăra nestinsă a inimii.
Prin noaptea albastră
Realitatea prin care am fugit
Are o spărtură,
Chiar dacă nu poţi prinde liniile din palma iubirii noastre,
Chiar dacă nu poţi prinde urmele paşilor nostri.
Totuşi eşti liber
Să cauţi, să vii, să revii,
Să cauţi, să vii, să revii…
The dream
Translation : Cosmina Simona Mihalca
A smile always young,
A mystery of the heart,
A vessel that awaits its filling,
A wish unfulfilled
A soul that is waiting
May the unquenchable flame of the heart be.
Through the blue night
The reality through which I ran
has a leak,
Even if you cannot catch the lines in the palm of our love,
Even if you cannot catch our footsteps.
However, you are free
To search, to come, to come again.
To search, to come, to come again…
The Star Picker
He was lifting me up to heaven,
to the stars,
I, small, he tall,
From the top I looked at the world
I’m small, she’s big …
The darkness was further,
The world, the trees and the moon
they swing
at every step.
He was lifting me
up to heaven,
to the stars,
I still feel how,
I was breaking down some stars,
lanterns that lit up
the steps,
fingerprints left,
our passage …
And now he is lifting me up
in flight, in the sky,
among the stars,
in my dreams,
looking at my light ,
even if
I’m here,
He’s there,
in the sky,
among the stars,
icon, living candle,
He, forever,
Culegătoarea de stele
Mă înălţa spre cer,
până la stele,
eu mică, El mare,
De sus priveam lumea
eu mică, ea mare…
Întunericul era mai departe,
mai cald,
Lumea, copacii şi luna
se legănau
la fiecare pas.
Mă înălţa spre cer,
până la stele,
Încă mai simt cum,
desprindeam câteva stele,
felinare ce luminau
amprente lăsate,
în urma
trecerii noastre…
Şi acum mă înalţă
în zbor, în cer,
printre stele,
în visele mele,
lumina-mi priveşte,
chiar dacă
eu sunt aici,
El e acolo,
în cer,
printre stele,
icoană, candelă vie,
El, veşnic,
You, yes, you! You are like an ocean,
Wide Ocean, heartbreaking beauty,
Like a spell, into deeper and deeper
Catch me in the storm of emotions, torrent,
With every wave you’re boiling unrest, tornadoes,
Arpeggios crystallized touches
And so eagerly you sip me.
Dancing with the sounds,
A fire reveal,
Fire in us –
A dream in white.
Chills, snow,
A flapping of wings
And quiet…
Just quiet.
Me? Your prisoner.
Tu, da, tu! Tu eşti ca un ocean,
ocean de necuprins, de-o frumuseţe sfâşietoare,
ca un descântec pătrunzi năvalnic, adânc, tot mai adânc,
surprinzi în mine furtună de emoţii, torent nestăvilit,
cu fiecare val nelinişti clocoteşti, tornade,
cristalizezi arpegii de atingeri
şi cu atât nesaţ mă sorbi.
Dansând cu sunetele,
un foc dezvălui,
focul din noi –
un vis în alb.
fiori, ninsori,
un fâlfâit de aripi
şi linişte…
Doar linişte.
Eu? Prizoniera ta.
You… Me – Irina Lucia Mihalca
Translation: Cosmina Simona Mihalca
We are sliding like two illusions,
Same in thought and never seeing each other,
Crossing the same wave, swimming in the fields from the dream
And her flames in our face are growing…
Beyond the wallow of the canes, beyond the stones,
Only the force of loneliness in the smell of wind and grass…
Easy is your name, like the sea,
Everything start with the sea, that wild sea,
Calm, but unstoppable in the deep!
A seashore on which the waves
Are breaking in thousand of pieces-destiny!
I know that if you would hold my hand you would be happy,
I know that if I saw you, I would cry…
Night poem floating in a dream
Without knowing how my tear would make you whole
And the death would smell of willow,
Always too late,
Always too early…
Tu… Eu – Irina Lucia Mihalca
Alunecăm ca două iluzii,
Suntem în acelaşi gând şi nu ne vedem,
Traversăm aceeaşi undă scăldată-n câmpiile din vis
Şi flăcările ei în faţa noastră se înalţă….
Dincolo de tânguirea trestiilor, dincolo de pietre,
Doar forţa singurătăţii în mireasma vântului şi a ierbii…
Uşor ţi-e numele, ca briza mării,
Totul începe cu marea, acea sălbatică mare,
Calmă, dar în adâncuri de nestăvilit!
Un ţărm de mare pe care valurile
Se sparg în mii de bucăţi-destin!
Ştiu că dacă mi-ai strânge mâna ai fi fericit,
Ştii că dacă te-aş zări aş plânge…
Tu… Eu
Poem nocturn plutind într-un vis,
Fără a şti cum lacrima mea te-ar reda întreg
Iar moartea ar mirosi a salcie,
Mereu prea devreme,
Mereu prea târziu…
Irina Lucia MIHALCA
5 mai, 2018