Vineri, 4 mai 2018, ora 11.00, la Biblioteca Județeană „Antim Ivireanul” Vâlcea
va avea loc evenimentul de inaugurare a
Fondului de indianistică „George Anca”
- Cuvântul de deschidere al conf. univ. dr. Remus Grigorescu, managerul Bibliotecii Județene „Antim Ivireanul” Vâlcea
- Mesajul domnului Partha Ray, consilier șef al Cancelariei Ambasadei Indiei la București
- Alocuțiuni ale oficialităților prezente la eveniment
- „George Anca, din nouri de eres: schiță de portret” – videoproiecție documentară realizată de Flori Ghiță, bibliotecar
- Cuvântul donatorului – prof. univ. dr. George Anca
- Prezentarea donației: Daniela Dobre, bibliotecar
Biblioteca Pedagogica Nationala
Asociatia Culturala Romano-Indiana
St. Zalomit nr. 12, Bucuresti – 70714
Letter of Invitation
To: Professor Satya VRAT
Mrs. Satya VRAT
New Delhi
Dear Mr. And Mrs. Satya VRAT,
This is to invite you, between 22nd September to 12th October 2001, in Romania according to the program we established in the last few months including the receiving of Doctor Honoris Causa award granted by the University of Oradea on 1st October 2001 to Professor Satya VRAT and lectures by the same in Bucharest, Ramnicu Valcea, Sibiu, Oradea.
Your visit may increase the interest in the culture of both countries.
Looking forward to meeting you in Romania,
Yours sincerely,
Dr. George Anca
General Director – National Pedagogical Library
President – Romanian-Indian Cultural Association
George Anca
Excerpts from Sanskritorium chitrakavya record by George Anca
we will be waiting for Satya tomorrow and two weeks we would be satieted by Sanskrit
visvamahakavyam ko aham who is where I came from what my name is what I do in this world where I’m stationed what my aim is what my importance is what my status is that my own self is unknown to me has landed me in a gather the situation from Veda you Almighty give us all that is good and auspicious take away from us everything that is bad and unassailable
from Upanishads gods defend me I sayng truth satyam I bow to goddess
Saraswati in white clothes with book and the vein in hand inborn genius coupled with complete learning pratibha competing with viutpatti hari ananta harikatha ananta Lord is endless his story too is endless
I was with three honorary doctorates Dyal Shankar Sharma Gaston Mialaret Satyavrat Shastri
en Vogue Monastery of the Holy Cross Museum of the Land of Criss tomorrow Cave of the Bears Sunday at the Cathedral comes the Romanian President Monday at the State Theater opening of the academic year granting the title of doctor honoris causa meal with the students Mother Pavelida copy of Râmeţi the first monastery of nuns in Bihor
mahakavyas & bible political creation Indan saints Marina and Irina or Romanians Oprea Miclaus from Cioara venerable Sofronie Sava Brancovici St Onufrie is that with beard upto earth sermon on the mountain Sanskrit’s loss Byzantine painting Panini’s mother Daksi
rarely kidnapped woman in Panchatantra lion tiering deer three quarters of poetics and shivism coming from Kashmir and daughter of Ravana the queen of fish after breaking down his bridge in the nights as Manole the wall falls in love with Hanuman has the santa race to him in Thai sringara episode nonexistent in Valmiki or Tulsidas sanskritizing in Oradea
bracelet with 33 berries the years of Christ the Queen of Thai in the stone of Siam turned into Sanskrit your birthday in the cave of bears balloos of stallagmites stallactites let it be a fourth on stone on water let sing to mute immensity of labyrinth
dalla picolezza della provincia la solitudine non ci sono piu
Lal Bahadur Shastri as prime minister gave up all committee presidencies except Sanskrit Nehru regretted he did not know Sanskrit or Indira but loved it more than anything even no more to be loved without knowing most of the panditts I know by heart the mantras appropriate to the events of birth wedding death etc. without understanding the meaning
Lal passed daily Ganga by swimming to reach the school being poor and as prime minister obedience to connoisseurs
you leave ten things for the table one hundred for bathing a thousand for sleeping a lack for seeing the meters sardoulavikridita the play of a tiger 19 syllabes upajati a combination of indravajra and upendravajra 11 syllables some keep the dictionary and a kind of Sanskrit vocabulary 75 percent with modern touch I think in Sanskrit Rin Cris I keep them unchanged from now on
submarnamasia gold fish in Thai Rameshvara with squirrels blessed with stripes by Rama of wabi house I made my soul of earthen pits and burning roal simplicity unfolds its threads of steaming tea on bamboo mats walls of my soul are roads leading to the house wabi Japanese house for tea ceremony
Iadolina Valley of Hell Bihar wilderness Jahnsi dwarf mountains ruins sanctuary of the dacoits and Phulan Devi mantra has the healing property particular mantras how treated Tagore in Balaton essence of dharma priest in caves the path followed by big people karma is inscrutable dharma is difficult to say crocus to dead in bottomless lake
I asked of Vâlcea that it had not reached Byzantium what was by whom he hid some dance knowledge
Satya and the others underneath peaks resculpturing the same avatar on renunciation to forest poetry
Hungary is like Punjab does not have anyone who to beat then alone predictions that India gets superpower not to say the wishfulness of asking me what plus-marks I give to Romania India
Ungaria e ca Punjabul n-are cu cine se bate atunci singură de ţi-am afla sosie ca lui Bhumibol de i te vei adresa fiicei predictions că India ajunge superputere a nu se spune wishfulness de m-ai întrebat ce plus-marks dau României şi Indiei
yours from yours everlasting happy church with moon the black eagle to the healing of my soul and body amen you have gifted me I have seen the true light save your people with the heavenly spirit
white pink lilies poem by Bartrihari as madhukara bee imprinted by evening in the lotus flower had dreamed how night passes to morning sun rises and beauty of lotus opens will shine and how she was thinking so the elephant stepped up the lotus cantilena in the North poetry is only revelation cantilena
drindiri bongiorno figli miei dormito bene ecco i vostri fratelloni brutto ladracio uno chi perde ride amo anziani e detesto i giovanni cheerful under shawl inviting me to tea I’m not tea drinker
Satya directind from Moliere ogni cosa a sua tempo drin diri drin diri miei soldini io sono don Arpagone sono amico del papa dona Elvira velesqueziana brutta schifosa mamography mantra Saraswati bhagavati Sanskrit directing how to steal a revolution a country near Durga Temple opposite the Jain Temple
the guard service asks you to be as short as you can otherwise cutting the microphone Ifrim on Satya Cretu on seco tamasha he sits at the corner guerra password che fa paura bruttissima yellow blue president and three roses patos Santa simplicitas in the rhythm of ceau-ceau-ceau
June 10th in Senat dhc Satya Vrat comme s’y j’etait Satya in Bangalore not to attract the illusion of karma
I have been talking tens of years in Sanskrit school, and courses with you and the association and the retreat that I’m preparing for you to be just ambitious
Satya Vrat have a lot of talk with Iliescu one said good to come to Romania the other that great happiness to see him in India the password is Sanskrit Panini to Saussure what Sergiu foniatru atharva yajur Romanian-Indian next to Oradea Satya’s Râmnic passed as Tagore’s Bucharest
aham tatvam ayam you are my father holy North holy Usha I with Satya and Usha sahahi kantha slowly with the cassoc
princess Thai in 1986 Bihar Gridrakuta Hill almost 10 o’clock very hot all we were hitting fast path to the hill Buddha daily climbed and ambassador MN Verma you royal highness too stiff very suggestively then princess became serious we are buddhist we follow in the footsteps of the Buddha what preached
o Arjuna son of Pashthu in any way will call me people in that way I will show myself to them the people follow in all ways my way all the rivers find their place in the same sea prayers gone to all gods will go to God
Arjuna thinks of the greatest secret I shared you and do as you like not to trust in those who have flesh or teeth or nails or poison to be seen even by nuns from Prislop the porch of white virgin in black
secular India how would the ashram not get money from state Sanskrit Poems on Lord Christ Sanskrit Literature on Christianity a sun take us bad to give us good white Saraswati like kunda worshiped by Brahma Vishnu Mahesha
the October miracle on the sixth day of remembrance of the Holy Apostle Thomas, proclaiming the word of God to Midian to Persians and Indians, was imprisoned by Smideu the king stabbed with the spears still living the Apostle
the time of man gets shorter but we faithful lovers are still alive in direct communion with those deceased god of dead and alive ones do not weep our parents but our sins out haunted Satya I pushed him for anoint the wafer finished he took a leftover peanut the priest made him a cross on the forehead with God’s help
prithvi bhumi mata the whole earth is our mother atharva the earth is the mother I am the son of the earth potter kumbhakara India China bhai-bhai 1962 betrayed fierce Nehru paralyzed at the cost of life now who wants to die who to live two weeks under Eminescu facsimil mss sanscrit apud Bopp
no mistake greet the great personality this is really a feast to the eyes hard will believe future generations that so people could live in flesh and bones so can i say Satya vrat Shastri about Eminescu is the happiest day of my life I will talk much about this man to be known in India
it’s Satya to Pune to be a fairy tale about how we are and what the subject has raised us is the existence of dharmic disappearance a samsara
shell to heaven
hell with thousands
good by Râmnic
Sanskrit Antim
Pann in Panchatantra
Usha would sprint our
spirit in the saddle
here to rise
samsara thought
Magdalena does not suffer any more
the tongue which is called shabda
to fight with Arjuna
male sanskrit and moon
Cazul limbii române
În contextul datelor sintetice despre educaţia terţiară şi viaţa academică din India, se exemplifică reintrarea în atenţie şi cercetare a unor teme româno-indiene, prin introducerea studiilor româneşti la Universitatea din Delhi, în 1977. Se invederează, astfel, că predarea limbii, literaturii şi culturii române a fructificat şi în traducerea unor opere precum Mioriţa, Meşterul Manole, Luceafărul. Poate în replică la sinonimia indiană între educaţia terţiară şi tehnică, se propune o nouă paradigmă româno-indiană, întemeiată pe tehnică şi spiritualitate. Comparativ, se anexează un proiect (draft) de predare a limbii române la Universitatea din Beijing.
Cuvinte-cheie: educaţie terţiară, India, limba română, Eminescu.
In context of data on tertiary education and academic life in India, it is exempified the reentering in attention and research of some Romanian-Indian themes, through introduction of Romanian studies at Delhi University, in 1977. Thus, it is made clear how the teaching of Romanian language, literature and culture frutified also in translations of works like Little Lamb, Master Builder Manole, Evening Star. As if answering Indian synonimy between tertiatry education and technique, a new Romanian-Indian paradigme, based on technique and spirituality, is proposed. Comparatively, a Romanian teaching project (draft) for Beijing University is included.
Key-words: tertiary education, India, Romanian language, Eminescu.
Spre o superputere a cunoaşterii (1)
„This could be you” – Universitatea din Delhi „ai putea fi tu”, îşi atrage faimoasa vidyalaya potenţialii studenţi într-un clip pe YouTube.. Faimoasă, pentru noi, întrucât, picătură în ocean, „we have been it”, aici introducându-se, în 1977 (2), ca a noua limbă de studiu, româna, în Department of Continue reading „INAUGURAREA FONDULUI DE INDIANISTICĂ „GEORGE ANCA””